Super Helpful Dog Owner’s Two Pager from JVS
How to tell when you are using a franchise veterinarian
A dog or cat with a fracture in a leg will not use that leg. Even if…
Fantastic book by Susan Albers
So much more comprehensive and useful than I thought.
Three easy ways to identify a sociopath or a narcissist
It’s unfortunate that the word sociopath sounds so much like psychopath. Because they’re not even hardly the…
Create an Email Filter for Blocking Someone You Loathe
With the words: I, he, she, it, we, they, their, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, and,…
Lexi’s Amazing Weightloss Journey
Good Morning Dr. Johnson, I have attached a few pictures of Lexi's weight loss progress over the past…
Why not use formalin in cold water?
Coldwater formalin There’s no decent reason. 100 years ago some asshole wrote that formalin will settle to…